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The Hajj is one the five major pillars, or tenets, of Islam that followers of the religion must abide by The Hajj is one the five major pillars, or tenets, of Islam that followers of the religion must abide by

Egyptian Pilgrims Reach Arafat

Amr Lotfi, chief executive, official Hajj mission, recently confirmed all the Egyptian pilgrims had reached Arafat Mount.

Lotfi on August 19 told the local press the tAmr Lotfi,ransportation of the Egyptian pilgrims from Mecca to Arafat Mount had been completed smoothly.

All the buses carrying lottery pilgrims were provided with GPS devices, the official said.

He noted that the Egyptian and Saudi authorities had coordinated to move the ailing and people with disabilities by ambulances.

Standing on Arafat represents the most important part of the Hajj.