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The annual Gallup Global Law and Order survey placed Egypt 16th out of 135 countries, while the UK was 21st and the US 35th The annual Gallup Global Law and Order survey placed Egypt 16th out of 135 countries, while the UK was 21st and the US 35th

Egypt Signed to FIFA World Cup Sponsor Deal

FIFA’s first 2018 World Cup sponsor from Africa was the government of Egypt, as both sides signed the Russia 2018 World Cup sponsor deal.

FIFA noted that Egypt — Experience & Invest had filled the first of four African slots in a programme for third-tier commercial deals.

The value of the deal was not disclosed, yet it is the first World Cup sponsorship deal for FIFA in the past five years from outside China, Qatar and Russia.

Egypt aimed to showcase the wide spectrum of tourism experiences and investment potential the country has to offer, according to FIFA.

This deal came only few weeks after Egypt has been ranked the safest country in Africa and higher than both the UK and US, according to a new global poll.