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Oman Oman

OMAN: New on the Block

One of these projects is the highly-anticipated Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre (OCEC) which is expected

to launch in the first quarter of the year.

According to Trevor McCartney, general manager, OCEC, the facility’s opening aims to not just meet but exceed expectations.

“Our strategy is to create a world-class experience that reflects the Sultanate’s authentic culture, values and exciting vision for the future, its spectacular opportunities and possibilities. And we are definitely on track,” he commented.

To ensure that Oman’s business community along with the public and private sectors are fully briefed on the opportunities offered by OCEC, members of the business development team have been conducting a series of presentations to governmental and corporate entities and corporations in the months preceding the official unveiling.

Moreover, the centre is continuing its vigorous international campaign, promoting OCEC to associations, business leaders, and decision-makers across the globe, since, as McCartney enthused, the opening is the beginning of a new era for the regional business events sector.

“With the launch of OCEC, Oman will take its place in the international arena as one of its most exciting convention destinations and the newest business events hotspots in the region. Most importantly, OCEC will present a myriad of opportunities for the Sultanate and its people.

The centrepiece of the destination’s business development programme, the OCEC activities will contribute to the national economy, generate jobs and power the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises,” he proclaimed.